Tag Archives: Nibiru

Dr. R.S. Harrington: The Location of Planet X

Astronomical Journal
Volume 96, Number 4


R.S. Harrington
U.S. Naval Observatory, Washington, DC 20392
Received 17 May 1988; revised 12 July 1988


Dr. R.S. Harrington

Dr. R.S. Harrington

Planet X, if it exists at all, is most likely to be found, at present, in the region of Scorpius, with a considerably lesser likelihood that it is in Taurus.

In 1930, Tombaugh found the planet Pluto. This was the result of a systematic search initiated at Lowell Observatory as the result of predictions made by Lowell as to the positions and nature of a supposed additional planet in our solar system. At the time, Pluto was hailed as the object of that prediction, even though there were anomalies in its appearance and orbit evident right from the time of its discovery. Since then, these problems have only become more serious, and the discovery of its satellite in 1978 revealed a mass of Pluto that could not have caused any of the perturbations in the orbits of Uranus and Neptune used to predict the existence of a ninth planet. For a complete review of the discovery of Pluto and the developments leading up to the suspicion of the existence of a tenth planet, see Seidelmann and Harrington (1988).

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Zecharia Sitchin’s Last Wish


Sitchin died hoping the DNA of queen Puabi could prove his theories right.

“Maybe by comparing her genome with ours, we would find out what are those missing genes that they deliberately did not give us. Maybe. I cannot guarantee that, but maybe.”

This is one of the last statements made by Dr. Zecharia Sitchin (1920-2010), one of the best known researchers of the Sumerian clay tablets. Dr. Sitchin devoted over 30 years of his life to studying these tablets, and developed the theory about the Anunnaki and planet Nibiru. According to this theory, an alien race called the “Anunnaki” arrived to the Earth more than 5000 years ago and created humans through a genetic experiment.

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The Earth Chronicles Index


A comprehensive index incorporating seven volumes of the Earth Chronicles series. Each entry in the Earth Chronicles Index indicates which book and page number in that book the entry originated from. Now, readers of Zecharia Sitchin’s series have a quick and simple means to locate topics of interest in one location.

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Genesis Revisited: Phenomenon – The Lost Archives

Genesis Revisited from Phenomenon – The Lost Archives

Based on the book Genesis Revisited, by Zacharia Sitchin.

Evidence of a civilization ruled by emissaries from another world are revealed in the ancient tablets of man. Historian and Archeologist Zecharia Sitchin uncovers the lost and hidden archives of the Annunaki: Extra-planetary visitors who over 6,000 years ago inspired what is thought to be the earliest civilization known to man; Sumeria. From the sacred stone tablets of this culture, many of the teachings of the earliest inventors, philosophers and biblical scholars once thought mythical, are now known to be true. Where did these Anunaki come from? Sitchin says and NASA scientists concur, that there may be a mysterious 10th member to our solar system: The planet the Sumerians called, Nibiru.

Phenomenon – The Lost Archives (1998-2000)

A documentary series that takes an in-depth look at the topics found in recently declassified government documents. It explores well-known issues with new information that has been sequestered from the public for over sixty years.

When Calamity Strikes Mankind – The Tsunami of 10,900 BC

Major catastrophes that befall Mankind are sometimes spoken of as being of “biblical proportions” to describe their immensity. The words have been used these days to convey the immensity of the calamity that befell the peoples and lands of the coastlines of the Indian Ocean, when an underwater earthquake caused a “Tsunami”, a tidal wave that spread across thousands of miles of ocean waters and, hitting land, crushed all before it.

Few if any of the news reporters who used the “biblical proportions” terminology may have realized how appropriate the analogy is; for some 13,000 years ago a huge tidal wave, a “Tsunami” if you will, overwhelmed the ancient lands and their inhabitants; except that that time, the tidal wave rose not thirty feet but many thousands of feet and more!

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Celestial News: The Comet That Speaks Sumerian

On July 4th 2005, a NASA spacecraft named Deep Impact thrust out a metal probe devised to collide with a comet named Tempel-1. The purpose of the planned collision was to ascertain the true makeup of such a primordial comet by observing and analyzing the impact and its resulting debris.

The successful collision observed from the spacecraft and a variety of Earth-placed and Earth-orbiting instruments, caused a spectacular flare and an expanding ball of ejecta. As the reports of what had been observed begin to trickle out, it becomes evident that the scientific community is facing a major puzzle: The blast, instead of confirming the comet as a celestial body formed in the solar system’s deep-frozen outer fringes, “set loose key ingredients of Earth” (according to the headline in the San Francisco Chronicle of 9/9/05). Read the rest

Image: 10th Planet

Celestial News: The Case of the Tenth Planet

The announcement, on July 30th 2005, that a new celestial body has been discovered made media news around the world; and because the reports were headlined “Astronomers Claim Discovery of 10th Planet,” my phone started to constantly ring… Some callers shouted “Congratulations!”; others, more cautiously, asked: “Is it Nibiru?” – “Nibiru” being the planet of which I had been writing and talking ever since my book The 12th Planet was published decades ago. (Ed. note: see USA Today’s “Astronomers Claim Discovery of 10th Planet” and Sky and Telescope’s Astronomers Discover “10th Planet”

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The Case of the French Astronomer

In ancient Sumer the highlight of the New Year celebration was the public reading of Enuma Elish, the “Epic of Creation.” Scholars have treated the long text (inscribed on seven clay tablets) as an allegory of a struggle between good and evil, between a benevolent celestial god and a celestial monster.

In my books I treated the ancient text as a sophisticated scientific cosmogony about the formation of our solar system, and a celestial collision in which a planet called “Tiamat” was destroyed by the invading planet “Nibiru,” bringing about the Earth and the Moon. Nibiru (renamed “Marduk” by the Babylonians) itself was caught into permanent elongated orbit around the Sun, becoming the twelfth member of our Solar System (the Sumerians counted the Sun, the Moon, and – with Nibiru – ten planets).

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